We accept a number of payment methods, if a payment isn’t listed below then do not email asking if we accept it. Save us both time 😉


-We accept a range of Cryptocurrencies, PayPal, Western Union, Moneygram, Zelle, Cashapp, Credit/Debit card and SEPA bank transfer (see instructions at check out) and regular bank wire, within the EU.

Any emails requesting alternative payment methods will be ignored. Please see below for a quick tutorial on how to use Bitcoin.

If you want to purchase with a credit/debit card, use CEX.IO to buy Bitcoins with a card. See below for more details.


***Make sure you always pay the exact amount requested when paying via Crypto. We do NOT set the rates, our provider COINTOPAY does this, if you do not pay the requested amount then they put a 7-day hold on payments. If this happens your order WILL be cancelled and a €10 FEE will be deducted from the total refunded due to wasted time. Your refund will take 7 days as WE DO NOT get the funds until 7 days!****

Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that can be transferred instantly and securely between any two people in the world. It’s like electronic cash that you can use to pay friends or merchants. Paying with Bitcoin is actually very easy once you get your head around the basic concept. You should make the effort to learn it as it is the future of global payments.

There is no need to go into the technical details of how Bitcoin works here as it is not necessary for its use. If you are interested, there is a lot of information here.

The first idea you need to be familiar with is that of the ‘Bitcoin Wallet’. This is similar to your bank account in the traditional sense and is used to store your Bitcoins. Each wallet is assigned a Bitcoin address (or a number of them). This is a seemingly random string of characters that is unique to your wallet. For example, it will look similar to this: 1GHWMxfY7rgMzba9zDwkSrPXVc1nVD98Fe

When transferring Bitcoins to another person/company, all you need is their address. Bitcoins are divisible to 0.00000001BTC so you do not need to purchase whole Bitcoins, you can purchase just the right amount for your order at Real Chems.

Here is the easiest way to create your Bitcoin wallet:

  1. Go to and click ‘Wallet’ followed by ‘Create A Free Bitcoin Wallet’.
  2. Fill in the relevant details and create a SECURE password.
  3. Click continue and your wallet is created. Make a note of your wallet ID, it will be emailed to you as well.
  4. You can now access your wallet by logging in.

Note: Whenever sending your Bitcoins to Real Chems

or any other vendor, you should always make sure you first transfer the BTC to your OWN wallet from the exchange you use. DO NOT send directly from the exchange to the vendor, this can cause multiple issues.

The next task is to purchase your Bitcoins. This can be accomplished by a number of methods, but these will not all be described in detail here as each exchanger has slightly different criteria and full details are published on their websites. Below is a quick rundown of some reliable exchangers.

LocalBitcoins – The best method for anonymity and one of the only places with no ID verification. You can purchase Bitcoins from thousands of different vendors in your area and pay via a variety of means, including bank wire, cash deposit, cash in the mail, cash in person, PayPal, store cards etc.

Coinbase – A large US-based exchange that requires ID verification and deposits via bank wire. Instant verification is possible with some banks.

Bitstamp – The best exchange if you are within the SEPA zone (most of Europe). A quick deposit via bank wire with some of the lowest fees in the industry. ID verification required.

CEX.IO – Buy Bitcoins with a credit card with a very quick turn around. ID verification required.

LibertyX – Purchase Bitcoins with cash at many stores located throughout the US.

For a complete list of exchanges that accept credit card please click here. Note we do not vouch for all of these exchanges, do your own research first.

The Bitcoin price can be quite volatile, therefore it is best practice to purchase slightly more coins than you need (around 3-5% more). To calculate how many BTC you need please use the rate on the exchanges website that you plan to use.

Once you have purchased your BTC you should transfer them to your Blockchain wallet (or another wallet you have control of) and then on to Real Chems or your vendor of choice. In order to prevent delays, you should also ensure you pay sufficient transaction/network fee when sending your payment. We recommend paying around 0.001 BTC, this will ensure your payment confirms before the BTC address we provide expires. You can specify the transaction fee in your Blockchain wallet by clicking on ‘Advance Send’ when making a payment.

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